We are based in Lynbrook

Due to the mobile nature of The Sound Sanctuary, please refer to the confirmation email from Centered Wellness NY for the address of your session.

If this email indicates 42 Lawrence Avenue Lynbrook NY 11563 then the following info applies

The closest LIRR stations are: Lynbrook, Malverne, and Rockville Center.

You can find additional information on the top of our Intake form. The link for the intake form can be found above.

Phone Number: 516 331-1154

Contact Us

Vibrational Sound Bath

What is a vibrational sound sessions?

Vibrational Sound Therapy

Sound Bath - Sound Meditation - Sound Journey

A vibrational sound practitioner will immerse the participant in the soothing vibrations of a variety of instruments. Your body absorbs these vibrations, affecting the molecules throughout your being, providing a deeply therapeutic and restorative journey that helps to repair the imbalances in your mind, body and spirit.

Vibrational Sound Therapy has the potential to

  • reduce depression, anxiety, sadness & tension
  • reduce inflamation
  • help with insomnia
  • stimulatie circulation
  • improves mood and well being
  • provides deep relaxation and feelings of rejuvination
  • increase focus

We are here and happy to answer any additional questions you may have.

If your session is outside of The Sound Sanctuary at Centered Wellness NY, please bring any item that will help you maintain comfort. Examples such as: yoga mat, light blanket, and a towel to use under your head or knees (as you see fit).

For safety, we lock the doors before the session beginsDoors lock 10 minutes after the event start time. We are unable to let anyone in once the sound session has started.

Please complete the intake form prior to your session.

Email: centeredwellnessny@gmail.com

Text/Call: 516-331-1154

We look forward to holding space for you.